In any given year, we might or might not be accepting students. This is sometimes difficult to know until the application deadline has already passed. If you are interested in applying for graduate school at Miami, please contact Dr. Heller with your CV and a brief description about you to indicate your interest.
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Common Questions
Are you accepting graduate students in the coming year?
What advice can you offer to graduate applicants?
The psychology programs at Miami are competitive. Successful applicants have typically had the following characteristics: High GRE scores and GPAs, at least 2 years of research experience (preferably in cognitive/affective neuroscience or mobile Health research). It is also preferable to have had experience with presenting work at conferences, publications, and strong letters of recommendation. We use cutting-edge methods, so you should be interested in learning about these methods and acquiring the necessary expertise (signal processing, programming, statistics, computational modeling, etc.) to make the most of these methods. Finally, successful applicants are usually familiar with the research we are doing, and have interests that are aligned with our current research directions. Prospective students are encouraged to contact Dr. Heller.
Do you have an opening for a post-doc?
We do not typically advertise for post-doctoral positions, so please contact Dr. Heller if you are interested in joining the lab as a post-doc. If funding is available and the timing and fit is right, we can work it out. The most important criteria for a successful post-doc is a good fit in terms of research interests and professional attributes. Given the broad range of techniques we use in the lab, we do not expect that post-docs will come in with all of the necessary methodological expertise, and in fact we encourage applicants who are seeking to develop new skills. Post-doc applicants with backgrounds outside of cognitive neuroscience (e.g., rodent electrophysiology, cognitive psychology, clinical neuropsychology, etc.) are also encouraged to apply. It is important, however, to have a specific research direction in mind that fits well with Dr. Heller’s interests. Also, it is important to have published first authored papers as a graduate student and to have the majority of your dissertation research written up before you plan to start. Finally, it would be helpful if you have sufficiently specific ideas to apply for external funding prior to starting a post-doc.